Books to help you become the obvious choice


CareerKred – For Your Personal Brand

4 Simple Steps to Build Your Digital Brand and Boost Credibility in Your Career

The definitive guide on building your personal brand for your career.  CareerKred lays out the four steps EVERY brand must take to define and build awareness for their brand. A more appropriate name would have been – Personal Branding Made Simple.

CareerKred pulls together all of the vast knowledge on personal branding that’s scattered across the internet and various experts in pieces and parts into one actionable guide to help you build your personal brand so you stand out from your competition and get recognized for your expertise.

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Ryan doesn’t beat around the bush and tells it to you straight. At times it’s confronting.

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Ryan’s DICE process creates an easy-to-use method for building your digital brand

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A real gem! What I liked the most is that it compelled me to take action right away. 

LinkedIn Made Simple

LinkedIn Made Simple

FAT Strategies in a Thin book

Despite being one of the oldest Social platforms, LinkedIn is still largely misunderstood. Is it a place for your resume or a goldmine for leads? Somewhere between those spectrums lies the confusion most users experience. This confusion leads users to “gurus” who happily sell you one piece of the LinkedIn puzzle. To be successful on LinkedIn, you need the box with the picture to understand how the puzzle pieces fit together. LinkedIn Made Simple is the box with the image. With over 100 identified strategies, LinkedIn Made Simple provides you with a structured, step-by-step method to get the most out of LinkedIn to impact your business or career. 

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This book was so easy to absorb and the value I got from it was immense! 

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I learned so much from reading this book. I especially enjoyed the chapter on LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator.”

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Every chapter outlines core elements of a social networking strategy, how to build it, and specific actions to take


The LinkedIn Daily Checklist

10 daily activities to capture more profile views and leads in as few as 30 minutes a day

Check your email for the checklist!


The Real Reason Your Messaging Feels "Off"

Discover the 3 pitfalls many consultants make when it comes to messaging and what you can do to fit it! 

Check Your Email for the Guide!