The Brand Messaging System™ is a proven system to clarify your messaging for your products and services so you clearly articulate who you are and what you do everywhere.
Clients call it “a no-brainer.”
Is your messaging Off?
You know you need to clarify your message. You feel it in your gut when explaining to others what you do. It’s super frustrating knowing your services can help, but without a cohesive message to pull everything together, you know you’re missing opportunities.
Your message is “all over the place”
You attract the wrong audience
You look the same as your competition
You get little to no engagement with your content
You feel like you’re being pulled in different directions
Your offer is not clear
You can’t build a powerful brand without a clear message
You’re an expert at what you do, a leader in your industry, but it feels like no one knows because you struggle to articulate it clearly. You’re not getting leads. You’re tired of spending hours trying to find the right words – You’re just to close it.
After the Brand Messaging System™: Your message is strong. You know your audience. You know what to say and when to say it. You know what content to create. You have a complete strategy and the confidence you need to implement it immediately. You feel like you’ve got this. And you got there in less than 60 days.

Become the obvious choice in your market

Distill your message to its core and leave everything else out.

Leave shiny objects behind and gain traction on the things that matter.

Get your message, marketing, and team on the same page.

introducing The Brand Messaging System™
More than just clarifying your message, The Brand Messaging System™ is a complete operating system for developing and deploying your message into everything you do.
Position Your Message
Define Audience
Know who you serve so you know how many messages you need.
Identify Ingredients
Capture all of the unique messaging points for your audience.
Distill Message
Clarify your message and create a comprehensive messaging guide.

From confusion to a clear message that resonates with your ideal audience.

From confusion to a clear message that resonates with your ideal audience.

Position Your Message
Define Audience
Know who you serve so you know how many messages you need.
Identify Ingredients
Capture all of the unique messaging points for your audience.
Distill Message
Clarify your message and create a comprehensive messaging guide.

From one fuzzy or multiple offerings to a well-defined, high-ticket offer.

Package Your Offer
Package Offer
Refine your offer so prospects know the value you provide.
Wireframe Webpage
Translate your message into copy and story for your webpage.
Determine Optin
Identify the type and format of a lead-generating item to capture email addresses.
Promote Your Brand
Outline Emails
Plot out an automated email sequence to nurture your target audience.
Publish Content
Select your categories and leverage your message into your content.
Sell Socially
Develop a strategy for social outreach and engagement.

From wondering what to say to promoting your brand with confidence.

From wondering what to say to promoting your brand with confidence.

Promote Your Brand
Outline Emails
Plot out an automated email sequence to nurture your target audience.
Publish Content
Select your categories and leverage your message into your content.
Sell Socially
Develop a strategy for social outreach and engagement.
What you get
A complete operating system so you leverage your message into everything you do.
A Clear Message
Craft a powerful message that prospects get even after a few at the bar.
Complete Marketing Strategy
Everything you need to start promoting your business with confidence.
A refined offer
Package up an offer you can become known for in your target market.
Repeatable process
A structured process you can use for every new product/service or campaign.
Sales Funnel
No complex fancy stuff you can’t explain over drinks. Just a basic simple funnel to build your list.
Content System
Develop your own content process using a proven system to create relevant content.
It’s not #sexy but it’s something we all need. Without confidence, even the best plans fail.
Leave the squirrels behind and set your sights one thing; growing your business the right way.
Like a flight at your favorite establishment, your message and business will finally feel right.
“The program has structure, is simple to follow, and has no “woo woo stuff.” I now have more confidence in my marketing as my message and the value I provide to clients is clear.”
“This is unbelievably organized and super impactful!”
“This is Harry Potter level stuff!”

Will this program work for you?
While The Brand Messaging System™ works for any industry or field, we don’t work with just anyone. If you’re looking for a just “get-er-done,” solution with no participation on your end or you tend to be mean to your food servers, we probably won’t work well together. On the other hand, if you’re capable of participating in brain-heavy sessions and enjoying a drink together afterward then this program is for you. Our typical high-achieving clients include:
Small Businesses without a marketing department
Independent Consultants
Businesses of one (you) either starting out or building traction
Leadership Development consultants
Don’t see your “title?” It’s ok. Chances are the Brand Messaging System™ will work for you, unless you tend to not tip your servers. Schedule a call and let’s find out how it can work for you.

Does this sound familiar?
If so, you’re not alone.
Michael Santarcangelo
Leadership Development Consultant At Security Catalyst
Erica Rivera
Career Strategist at Career Diva Coaching

Become the obvious choice

Schedule a Call
Click the button, let’s talk strategy, and determine if we’re a good fit.

Trust the Process
Our proven frameworks help you find the essentials of your business.

Increase Your Impact
Get your message, marketing, and team on the same page.

With a clear message it’s easy to talk about what you do
Lynn Privette
Resultz, Inc.
Leadership Coach
CEO Aberhart Ag Solutions
Owner The Small Business CRM Coach
Founder All Day Fit & Instagram Influencer
EXIT Realty
Frequently Asked Questions
The Brand Messaging Playbook™ steps you through a process of simplification, so you focus on the true essentials of your business and leave out all of the complexities that make your brand confusing to others.
How long does it take to complete?
Timing depends on your availability and mine, but typically clients complete the program in 30 to 60 days with 6 to 9 ninety-minute meetings.
What's included?
The Brand Messaging System™ consists of the nine steps identified above and includes all frameworks and templates needed to create a complete marketing playbook for your brand.
How do you hold the meetings?
All meetings are held over Zoom and recorded. If you are local we can also meet in person.
How much work is required between sessions?
For the most part, you’ll only need to show up on time. With the exception of step four, there is very little “homework” between sessions. We only ask you to review what we covered between sessions to ensure we didn’t miss anything.
How do I get started?
After agreement and payment, you will get access to a scheduling link so you can schedule our first meeting at your convenience. You will also get access to a private Google Drive folder where we will store all files and assets we create during the program.
Is a website included?
Maybe. I only work with WordPress and smaller sites. A website requires we go through the Brand Messaging System™ first. Websites start at $9,000.