Great Messaging requires a system
StoryBrand is a filter to hone in on a message.
StoryBrand is great
but by itself…
It doesn’t help you…
Find the right words
Develop relevant content
Create an irresistible offer
StoryBrand does help you clarify your message.
A clear message doesn’t help if you don’t know how to use it
After reading Building a StoryBrand (or even Marketing Made Simple), you’re convinced it’s what you need. After all, it just makes sense. However, as a former StoryBrand guide (I was one of the first 20 certified), I can tell you that while words may be free, even the best ones don’t help if you don’t know how to use them in your marketing.
Carrie Skowronski – Owner Leadology
Retail Leadership Development
Matthew Moore – Owner Extension.Team
Paid Media Agency
The good news is there is a better way
Introducing The Brand Messaging System™
The Brand Messaging System™ creates a message and repeatable marketing strategy that works.
Position Your Message
Define Audience
Know who you serve so you know how many messages you need.
Identify Ingredients
Capture all of the unique messaging points for your audience.
Distill Message
Clarify your message and create a comprehensive messaging guide.

From confusion to a clear message that resonates with your ideal audience.

From confusion to a clear message that resonates with your ideal audience.

Position Your Message
Define Audience
Know who you serve so you know how many messages you need.
Identify Ingredients
Capture all of the unique messaging points for your audience.
Distill Message
Clarify your message and create a comprehensive messaging guide.

From one fuzzy or multiple offerings to a well-defined, high-ticket offer.

Package Your Offer
Package Offer
Refine your offer so prospects know the value you provide.
Wireframe Webpage
Translate your message into copy and story for your webpage.
Determine Optin
Identify the type and format of a lead-generating item to capture email addresses.
Promote Your Brand
Outline Emails
Plot out an automated email sequence to nurture your target audience.
Publish Content
Select your categories and leverage your message into your content.
Sell Socially
Develop a strategy for social outreach and engagement.

From wondering what to say to promoting your brand with confidence.

From wondering what to say to promoting your brand with confidence.

Promote Your Brand
Outline Emails
Plot out an automated email sequence to nurture your target audience.
Publish Content
Select your categories and leverage your message into your content.
Sell Socially
Develop a strategy for social outreach and engagement.
Words are free but…
Even the best words won’t help if you don’t know how to use them in your marketing.
| StoryBrand | Brand Messaging System |
Clear Message | | |
Marketing Strategy | | |
A signature Offer | | |
Repeatable Process | | |
Sales Funnel | | |
Content Calendar | | |
Confidence* | | |
Focus | | |
Alignment | |
*Confidence is high initially, but quickly wanes when you move into implementation.
“The program has structure, is simple to follow, and has no “woo woo stuff.” I now have more confidence in my marketing as my message and the value I provide to clients is clear.”

The Brand Messaging System™ aligns your message everywhere

How does StoryBrand help?
StoryBrand gives you a simple framework to focus your message on your customer. Unfortunately, it does not help you with the next step in the process which is what do you do with your message.
Will StoryBrand help build a marketing plan?
No. StoryBrand is a framework to help you clarify your message, by itself, it does not help you market your brand.
Are you a certified StoryBrand Guide?
No. While I was one of the first twenty guides certified, after six years, I decided not to renew my certification.
Do you help with create BrandScripts?
No. Since I am no longer a certified guide, I can’t help you create a BrandScript.
Why should I choose you?
Here’s my brief pitch. I was one of the first twenty guides trained. In April 2023, I decided not to renew my certification. Prior to this, I helped over a hundred clients clarify their message using the StoryBrand framework, so I understand exactly what you are struggling with right now.
Clarifying your message is challenging on your own because you’re too close to what you do. Trying to see your business the way your customers do is literally like trying to see the forest for the trees. No matter how hard you try, you’ll struggle to pull the right message from your head.
To get there, you likely need a guide. Someone who can help you find the essence of your message so you can tell your brand’s story everywhere.
The reason your message feels “off” isn’t what you think.

You read StoryBrand, which means you know that gut feeling you get when describing to others what you do. The one that says you’re missing the mark? You have an amazing product or service, but something is OFF, and you can’t wrap your fingers around it or find the right words to describe it.
The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way. You can find the right words to clearly articulate who you are and what do – once you know the real reasons your message feels off. In this ebook, you’ll discover..
Why subtraction is greater than addition (stop adding stuff!)
How to align your message and offer
How to say the right things everywhere