The Secret Ingredients to Master Your Marketing

Ever feel like crafting the perfect business strategy is like mixing a cocktail in the dark? Well, it’s time to turn on the lights and get clear on those ingredients. This week, we’re exploring three steps for turning customer insights into actionable...

Personal Branding is a narcissistic endeavor

I got this challenge about personal branding in my inbox this week. 👇 “So dude, I’m challenging you to defend (personal) branding as not a totally narcissistic self-aggrandizing endeavor.” It’s a great question. Many people think the same...

How Solopreneurs Can Stir Up Success with AI

AI is everywhere. From casual conversations with strangers at the bar to conferences to posts and social media. When speaking with clients or prospects, I get asked about AI, specifically how to use AI in their business. So, to satisfy your AI thirst, Let’s look...

The LinkedIn Daily Checklist

10 daily activities to capture more profile views and leads in as few as 30 minutes a day

Check your email for the checklist!


The Real Reason Your Messaging Feels "Off"

Discover the 3 pitfalls many consultants make when it comes to messaging and what you can do to fit it! 

Check Your Email for the Guide!

LinkedIn Power Pack

The LinkedIn Power Pack

A complete bundle of strategies and tactics to help you convert comments into clients.

Check your email for the checklist!