Creating Clarity Newsletter #005 Yo! 👋🏻 Everywhere you look it’s, “Sales Funnel. Sales Funnel. Sales Funnel.” Every time I hear the words Sales Funnel I think of this: The Office Funny GIFfrom The Office GIFs So. What is a Sales Funnel? At the...
Creating Clarity Newsletter #004 Hey 👋🏻 Have you ever struggled to produce content? I don’t mean content for the sake of content. I mean highly-relevant, targeted content you know will resonate with your audience. If so, you’re not alone. We all...
Creating Clarity Newsletter #003 Hi there 👋🏻 Websites used to have a different purpose. They were essentially a brochure for your business. All pages and copy was, what we call at The Distilled Brand, inward-facing. On inward-facing websites, everything points to the...
Building and growing a brand – personal or business – is not terribly complicated. In fact, I laid out the four steps every brand must follow to build and grow their brand in my first book, CareerKred. What is difficult is implementing the steps required...
Creating Clarity Newsletter #001 Hi there 👋🏻 I learned the importance of brand in 2012. Before that, I only had a cursory view of brand from my work as a product manager. I didn’t really understand how it applied to people or businesses. Unfortunately for...
One of the biggest challenges micro-business owners face is understanding their “niche.” One reason they struggle with this so much is that they’re focused on the wrong thing. Let’s take a look. === Welcome to the distilled brand happy hour. My...